The screen share feature helps the user during the meeting to project the screen to other participants. Moxtra powers the OneStop Client Hub for Falconi, a Brazilian management consulting firm founded with the belief that outstanding results can be achieved by improving management systems. The chat section made communication friendly and resourceful with the addition of files to chat conversation. For over 30 years, Falconi has been transforming businesses to be more efficient and successful across Brazil and abroad. Group discussion can be done in conversation along with the group video call option. String, EXTRATARGETVIEWINDEX, It is used to tell Binder Module which view is the primary view An int is defined, and value is defined in Conversation. Conversations tab has separate sections for internal and clients which help the user to differentiate the conversations. A call option is available to call through the app. Chief Financial Officer at Moxo (formerly Moxtra) Balasubramanyam Mohan Jonathan Mi See all employees Updates Moxo 12,693 followers 1d Report this post Outwater Holistic Healthcare is an. The user interface is simple and easy to use. Nitro Software Ltd is a document productivity company. The pricing plans need to be flexible with respect to customer requirements. Moxtra provides mobile collaboration solutions for business. Manage your client accounts with complete control and compliance.
It helps organizations of all sizes eliminate paper, accelerate business processes, and drive digital transformation by providing PDF productivity and eSigning for all in a single, affordable solution. Uncovering Opportunities to Automate and Streamline high-value Client Interaction Processes. Iyar, who is now the founder of Moxtra, the on-demand collaboration app.

With Moxo's SDKs extending your app, your business can retain control of all client conversations and workflows. Gain visibility into activities and interaction history. Track actionable insights about your organization, operational processes, clients, staff, key performance.
The company's products include Nitro Pro consisting of PDF creator, PDF editor, PDF. Customer support needs to improve its service by optimizing the resolution and response time.